The World Trading System and WTO
- The regulation of World Trading System and Trade Negotiations. .pdf
- Keywords: GATT94, trade rounds, tariff formulas, negotiation approaches, alliances, interest groups.
- La Regulación del Comercio Mundial y las negociaciones comerciales.pdf
- Palabras claves: GATT94, rondas comerciales, formulas tarifarias, enfoques de negociación, alianzas, grupos de interés.
- Acuerdo de la Agricultura y la OMC. Clarificación y Principales Aspectos.pdf
Palabras claves: Compromisos y la ayuda interna, acceso a mercados, medidas arancelarias y no arancelarias, caja ámbar, verde, azul mecanismos de salvaguardia, subvenciones a la exportación, medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias.
- The World Services market regulation, WTO requirements and problems of acceding countries (SA 2002).pdf
- Key Words: Trade in services, GATS, services negotiations, modes of supply, commitments, WTO accession, difficulties
- Le marché mondial des services. Règles et exigences de l'OMC et problèmes des pays candidats (SA 2002).pdf
- Mots clés : Commerce des services, AGCS, négociations sur les services, modes de fourniture, engagements, accession à l'OMC, difficultés
- The World Services Market Regulation and WTO (Training seminar 2002).pdf.
- Key words: Service trade, GATS, WTO, modes of supply, commitments
WTO Accession
- Le marché mondial des services règles et exigences de l'OMC et problèmes des pays candidats (SA 2002).pdf
Mots clés: Commerce des services, AGCS, négociations sur les services, modes de fourniture, engagements, accession à l'OMC difficultés
- A note on WTO accession and Free Movements of Goods. Example of Montenegro 2005-2009.pdf
- Key words: accession process, laws, rules, customs tariffs, fees, standards, SPS. coordination & capacity building.
- Ukrainian accession to the WTO. Implications and Challenges for the Government and Private sector. 2002 (pag.64-72).pdf
- Key words: Goods & Tariffs, Agriculture, SPS, Standards, Services, Trips,
- Considerations on WTO accession. A note. SA 2002 (coming)
- Is Yemen Enough Prepared to Join WTO Sana’a, Yemen Times, 02.11. 2000.pdf
- Key words: Developing country accession, rules and regulations, EU support.
Other WTO Issues
- Intellectual Propriety Rights Workshop. Montenegro SA 2008.pdf
- Key words: WTO accession, IPR law & enforcement, geographical indications, trademarks, budget
- Key words: technical requirements, WTO TBT agreement, EU, UN/ECE, trade, case for motor vehicles.
European Union & Trade
- The Road to Brussels. The EU Adhesion Process (Montenegro SA 2009).pdf
Key words: EU enlargement, adhesion process, Economic & Political process, EU acquis, internal market, IPA, Pre-adhesion support, Copenhagen criteria.
- La Cooperación Economica de la Union Europea, apoyo de acceso a mercados y Bolivia. SA 2005.pdf
- Palabras claves: UE, Programas de Cooperación, Bolivia, CAN, Helpdesk, acceso a mercados y exportaciones
- La Cooperación Económica de la UE y el Sistema de Preferencias Generalizadas (Pacto Andino y Bolivia. SA 2005).pdf
Palabras claves : Union Europea, Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN), SGP, Normas de Origen, exportaciones, acceso a mercados.